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POW Circus

Performing Older Women's Circus

Our Facebook profile (Pow Circus) and page (Performing Older Women's Circus)

POW's aim is to: enable women over 40 to train, develop skills and perform in circus arts.

POW offers members a regular program of weekly training in: acrobalance (balances involving one or more women)

2021 Term 4 starts: 6/11/21 (5 weeks).

Email: powcircus@yahoo.com.au


POW Circus is a not for profit, unfunded community circus and we rely on member’s fees, paid performances and donations to survive.

To donate, please make a payment at National Australia Bank to POW Circus.

BSB: 083 636
Account number: 825284300

Site design by PMM Ventures - Website Editor Sheryl Bryce - Updated January 2020